
The Reluctant Politician

The Reluctant Politician
[paperback] – RM68.00

  This is the long-awaited biography of Malaysia’s powerful Home Affairs Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Tun Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman, who passed away of a heart attack on 2 August 1973. It is based on his private papers and on numerous interviews with his relatives and with people who knew him well, including Ghafar Baba, Musa Hitam, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, Robert Kuok, Lee Kuan Yew and Ghazalie Shafie. New perspectives are provided about the struggle for independence, Malaysia’s relationship with Singapore, the origins of Southeast Asian regionalism, the internal conflicts of the ruling party UMNO, MCA-UMNO ties, the fatal illness of Tun Abdul Razak Hussein, the May 13 riots, and the New Economic Policy. This book contains not only new facts about Malaysian and Singaporean history, but also insights into the processes of decolonization and nation building.


Publisher : ISEAS
ISBN : 981-230-424-X


Memoir Ahmad Boestamam

Memoir Ahmad Boestamam
Memoir Ahmad Boestamam

Edisi terbitan ini menghimpunkan ketiga-tiga karya Boestamam: Lambaian dari Puncak, Merintis Jalan ke Puncak dan Tujuh Tahun Malam Memanjang, agar dapat dihayati oleh pembaca lain. Testament ini menerangkan tentang kebangkitan pergerakan tanpa mengira ras tenaga pemuda dan pemudi di Malaya dan di seluruh dunia. Bahan ini sesuai untuk bacaan masyarakat umum terutama mereka yang berminat dalam bidang sains politik.Publisher : Penerbit UKM
ISBN : 967-942-612-6


历史的补白:一个逃亡的新加坡立法议员 —— 黄信芳回忆录 RM15.00

历史的补白:一个逃亡的新加坡立法议员 —— 黄信芳回忆录
Author: 黄信芳
Publisher: 朝花企业
Year: 2007
Number of page: 140




万千梦魇- 赛。扎哈利回忆录II RM20.00
万千梦�- 赛。扎哈利回忆录II
Author: 赛。扎哈利
Publisher: 朝花企业
Year: 2007
Number of page: 320

本书为赛。扎哈利的第二部回忆录, 他把在第一部《人间正道》中所没有说明的事故,通过此书更详细的表述,让人惊叹赛。扎哈利在他被囚禁期间所遭遇到的,鲜为人知的苦难与牺牲!从本书中,我们也可以看到作者感情丰富的另一面,无论是对战友,还是对家人。谁说铁汉不柔情? 只是他没有用语言表达出来,特别是在敌人的面前。



Critical Thoughts on Islam, Rights and Freedom in Malaysia RM40.00
Critical Thoughts on Islam, Rights and Freedom in Malaysia
Author: Salbiah Ahmad
Publisher: SIRD
Year: 2006
Number of page: 405

In this collection of insightful essays, Salbiah Ahmad – lawyer, activist, writer – explores and analyses the various dynamics in Malaysia which surround and affect contemporary issues involving religion, democracy, politics, the law, human and civil rights and gender relations.

The articles contained within are a compilation of what she has authored for her column ‘Malaya!’ which has appeared in malaysiakini.com since 2001. ‘Malaya!” as the column name comes from Tagalog in which it means ‘freedom’.

In producing these articles, Salbiah Ahmad skilfully combines the analytical skills of the lawyer and the experience of the seasoned activist to tackle complex ideas making them both understandable and empowering.

Where Monsoons Meet : A People’s History of Malaya RM18.00
A People's History of Malaya
Author: Musimgrafik
Publisher: SIRD
Year: 2007
Number of page: 174

For many people, history is often a boring flurry of dates, treaties and pompous princes. For Malaysians, history books are made even less digestible by the dominance of authors who persist to write from the British colonialist’s point of view.

Where Monsoons Meet attempts to lead a new path away from the beaten tracks. The history book of Malaya is refreshing in its highly readable and entertaining cartoon presentation. Content wise, it breaks new grounds by recounting Malayan history from the people’s point of view.

The period covered stretches from the days of the Malacca Sultanate in 1400s to the granting of Merdeka to the Federation of Malaya in 1957. Some notable highlights colorfully described include the squabble of colonial powers over Malacca, the fierce rebellion of the Malayan people against the establishment of British indirect rule, the gallant resistance against Japanese fascist occupation, the drastic British measures taken to suppress the anticolonial struggle during the ‘Emergency’ and the formation of the various political parties forces of the period before ‘independence’.

To those of us who wonder about the background to the present day political development in Malaysia, and especially those who were born after the Second World War, this is an invaluable, edifying of a people’s struggle against colonialism.

《513 – 1969年大马种族暴乱之解密文件》 RM20.00
《513 - 1969年大马种族暴乱之解密文件》
Author: 柯嘉逊博士
Publisher: 大马人民之声
Year: 2007
Number of page: 0

这是马来西亚1969年 “513种族暴乱事件”的第一份可靠的叙述。 所采用的资料是伦敦国家资料档案馆最近才解密的文件,都是保留了超过30年的机密文件。





Mahathir vs. Abdullah

Mahathir vs. Abdullah RM26.00
Mahathir vs. Abdullah
Author: various
Publisher: Kinibooks
Year: 2007
Number of page: 212
Delivery: 1 day

The book is a compilation of articles that try to cut through the sandiwara (playacting) of the vicious war of words, and see what really drove TDM to launch such a merciless attack on his handpicked successor, as well as analyze the factors influencing each turn this scandal-ridden battle took. It also includes letters from Malaysiakini readers – representing a truly wide spectrum of opinion, critical thought, and passionate support for both parties. The book features a number of high-profile contributors, including Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Guan Eng, P. Gunasegaram, Tian Chua, Collin Abraham, M Bakri Musa, Steven Gan, P Ramasamy, James Wong, Kim Quek, Charles Hector, Khoo Kay Peng, and many more.

No Dram of Mercy

No Dram of Mercy RM22.00

No Dram of Mercy
Author: Sybil Kathigasu
Publisher: Prometheus Enterorise
Year: 2006
Number of page: 186

No Dram of Mercy is the story of a women’s courage, told simply and unassumingly in her own words. Sybil Kathigasu was the wife of an Ipoh doctor who along with her fellow Malayans became caught up in the horrors of the Japanese occupation of Malaya during the Second World War. Her selfless concern for the sick and wounded anti-Japanese guerillas who came to her arrest and imprisonment by the Japanese authorities.

The tale of fortitude and endurance under duress and torture which follows is testimony not so much to the ruthlessness of a conquerors as to the indomitability of the human spirits informed by faith and belief in God. As such, the story of Sybil Kathigasu, reprinted here after a lapse of five decades, is a tract for our times as much it is a reminder of the tribulations experienced by a former generation of Malayans.

Agenda Melayu atau Agenda RakyatItem price : RM18.00

Buku ini, yang berjudul “Agenda Melayu atau Agenda Rakyat” merupakan kumpulan tulisan Ban Chen dalam kolumnya di Malaysiakini dalam kira-kira selama tempoh tahun 2004. Nampaknya Ban Chen menerbitkan satu kumpulan setiap tahun. Sebelum ini penerbit yang sama telah mengeluarkan tiga kumpulan tulisan-tulisan beliau. Saya dengar sambutannya boleh tahun juga, dan itu sebabnya penerbit meneruskan dengan kumpulan ke-empat ini. Artikel-artikel dalam buku ini sebenarnya ditulis untuk mengulas beberapa isu atau masalah yang timpul pada ketika-ketika tertentu. Namun demikian, kita dapat melihat jaringan tema yang rapat menghubungkan antara satu artikel dengan artikel lain. Judul buku ini menjelmakan tema tersebut. Tema ini sangat penting ertinya dalam bidang-bidang ekonomi, politik dan sosial bagi negara serta rakyat. Dalam peringkat pembangunan sekarang ini memang perlu untuk pemerintah dan rakyat menentukan apakah pendekatan serta arah agenda pembangunan.